Posts in Wilmington NC Photography
Can we just book a mini session? What a mini session actually is, and why photographers do them

We get asked about a mini sessions a LOT, so I thought I would address it here and explain what exactly a mini session is, but more importantly what it is NOT.

Quick, cheap, and easy are the core promises of the glorious and seemingly ever-present “mini session” — and that really sounds perfect. Sign me up, right?!? Who wouldn’t want all of that in every portrait session? Everyone does!

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Surf City NC Beach Photographer - How to Get Beautiful, Timeless Family Portraits You Love

Yes, you read that correctly: How to Get Family Portraits you LOVE.

We want all of our clients to have portraits they want to share and post and print and hang up on their walls. Photographs and portraits are quite literally our memories frozen in time. That is a super big deal! You should absolutely fall in love the moments a photographer creates for you. Our goal is to help you have the very best collection of your moments to cherish forever.

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Wilmington NC Christmas Photographer - Photos with Santa!

Santa Claus is coming to town!

He’s coming to our town — Wilmington, NC — to be exact! Beach Photo is proud to host our 2021 limited holiday studio sessions - A Classic Christmas. They will be held Saturday November 27th and Sunday November 28th.

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Wilmington Studio Newborn Session - Sweet Presley

The cutest little baby came to visit our Wilmington studio space! Miss Presley was 2 weeks new for her first photo session, and an absolute doll!

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Family Beach Vacation Photos in Surf City - Topsail Photographer

Omgosh this family is sooo darling!

They contacted me way back In February and told me how excited they were to visit Topsail from Utah. We are so fortunate to have so many wonderful visitors choose to vacation on our little island.

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Valentine's Day Limited Photo Sessions 2021

Valentine’s Day is always a favorite!!

We love making a fun set and running studio limited sessions…and that was the plan for this year too. I channeled all my old sculpture classes in art school and created a few giant conversation hearts for props. They were really fun to make, but took sooo much plaster (worth it!).

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Fun Couple Photos in Surf City NC

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, so it seemed fitting to share one of my favorite sessions from this adorable little family that was nothing but pure LOVE.

They came to Surf City from Tennessee and were an absolute delight to work with—and they brought their sweet fur baby!!

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Planning a Beach Vacation Portrait Session? We can help!

Do you have a big beach trip planned this year? Or maybe a long weekend getaway? Whether your family trip is just the two of you and your best dog, or a long-awaited family reunion with 42 crazy fun aunts, uncles, cousins and grandmas—you can totally get a professional portrait session while you’re there, and it can actually be enjoyable!

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Outdoor Beach Newborn Session at North Topsail Beach

Yes, you can have a newborn session on the beach!

With a little preparation on our part, a smooth newborn session can easily be achieved. You will end up the CUTEST portraits of your tiny baby’s first moments by the ocean, and it is definitely worth it.

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2020 Christmas Cookie Booth Limited Sessions

Our 2020 Holiday Limited Sessions are here and open for booking!

I always dreamed of a White Christmas when I was a kid, but growing up in North Carolina (and now living in Topsail Island) it hasn’t even come close to happening!

But why give up on such a fun dream!

This year we built our Christmas Cookie Booth around the idea that Christmas is magical, and miraculous things can happen…

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