Posts in NC Beach Photographer
Can we just book a mini session? What a mini session actually is, and why photographers do them

We get asked about a mini sessions a LOT, so I thought I would address it here and explain what exactly a mini session is, but more importantly what it is NOT.

Quick, cheap, and easy are the core promises of the glorious and seemingly ever-present “mini session” — and that really sounds perfect. Sign me up, right?!? Who wouldn’t want all of that in every portrait session? Everyone does!

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Our Crazy 2021 Year in Business - Surf City NC Photographer

If you know me personally, or if you know our business, then you are pretty aware of how crazy busy we are from mid March all the way through early December. Our vacationing family sessions start booking up around spring break and don’t really stop booking until well after Labor Day, and then the fall sessions and holiday sessions kick into full gear. By December, I am very much in need of a break, and for that reason I usually stop taking sessions by the first week of December so all of our editing can be finished in time to enjoy Christmas fun with my family. While I do the all shooting and editing, Beach Photo is very much a family business. There are countless business tasks that need to be done behind the scenes, as well as prop building and set design that requires a LOT of work from all of us.

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Surf City NC Beach Photographer - How to Get Beautiful, Timeless Family Portraits You Love

Yes, you read that correctly: How to Get Family Portraits you LOVE.

We want all of our clients to have portraits they want to share and post and print and hang up on their walls. Photographs and portraits are quite literally our memories frozen in time. That is a super big deal! You should absolutely fall in love the moments a photographer creates for you. Our goal is to help you have the very best collection of your moments to cherish forever.

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