Posts tagged beach photographer
Family Beach Vacation Photos in Surf City - Topsail Photographer

Omgosh this family is sooo darling!

They contacted me way back In February and told me how excited they were to visit Topsail from Utah. We are so fortunate to have so many wonderful visitors choose to vacation on our little island.

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Fun Couple Photos in Surf City NC

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, so it seemed fitting to share one of my favorite sessions from this adorable little family that was nothing but pure LOVE.

They came to Surf City from Tennessee and were an absolute delight to work with—and they brought their sweet fur baby!!

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Why do we ask you to meet us late in the day?

Some of you may have been wondering why photographers keep dragging families out so late in the day—especially in the summertime when we tell you 7pm is best! (Sorry!) I know it’s late for littles, and husbands can get hangry (just mine?🤣), but there really is a method to our madness...


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