Our Crazy 2021 Year in Business - Surf City NC Photographer

If you know me personally, or if you know our business, then you are pretty aware of how busy we are from mid March all the way through early December. Our vacationing family sessions start booking up around spring break and don’t really stop booking until well after Labor Day, and then the fall sessions and holiday sessions kick into full gear.

By December, I am very much in need of a break, and for that reason I usually stop taking sessions by the first week of December so all of our editing can be finished in time to enjoy Christmas fun with my family. While I do the all shooting and editing, Beach Photo is very much a family business. There are countless business tasks that need to be done behind the scenes, as well as prop building and set design that requires a LOT of work from all of us.

We are so grateful for to have been booked solid throughout 2021, but there were some pretty intense hours put in, and a great deal of family sacrifice to make it all work. With a constant stream editing backlogs, I never actually had a full day off for several months on end (even when we went on short family trips, I had to work at night on my laptop to not get behind).

My point in stating all this, is that looking ahead to 2022, we will have to make a few changes to account for our growth. I will have to hire on an additional assistant and will need a more permanent studio space to accommodate our burgeoning studio session business. We will also be restructuring our rates due to increased business costs. These changes won’t affect the quality of our art, or the level of service we provide — in fact, we have worked hard to make our client experience even more seamless and effortless in 2022 (and beyond).

One major aspect of the business that always lags behind when we are super busy is our social media presence. We absolutely love to share all of our gorgeous clients, but too often there isn’t enough time to do the job and have a robust social media feed that shows off the job (hence the need to hire more help!). Now that we have a little breathing room in our schedule, we look forward to sharing some of the beautiful faces we had the honor to photograph this year.

So be sure to tune into some of our social media feeds and check back to our blog to see many of the remarkable humans we had the joy to work with in the past year!