Studio Portraits for Valentine's Day

It is no secret that I am as busy mom of 4 on top of running a photography business around the clock, something often has to slide—like blog posts! (and putting away the laundry hahaa). But I love sharing all my beautiful clients’ faces, as well as giving everyone a peek into what we do here at Beach Photo. We also run SeaGlass Studio, fine art photography dedicated specifically for couples, engagements, elopements and weddings. We started building our new websites last MAY (omgosh how?) and got sooo busy with summer vacation sessions, weddings, and then fall and holiday portraits, the new websites got pushed a bit aside and didn’t go live until well, NOW. Essentially, I just realized we weren’t going to get any less scheduled up, so I have just decided that time will have to be carved out for website maintenance and here we are!

We are so fortunate to be able to use studio space at A Leap Above Dance Studio in Wilmington for studio projects like our Valentine Portraits—and this year I absolutely LOVE what we created. I wanted a more formal, traditional portrait. Think royal portraits (but for us everyday royalty), but of course keeping them modern and fun—because that’s what we do best. My mother-in-law owned a pristine antique living room suite in her formal greeting room, so we were thrilled to bring the loveseat settee to the studio since it is the exact rose pink we wanted for Valentine’s day. We added a cream seamless drop, and created a handmade floral heart on the backdrop with spray roses and other lovely blooms. We also acquired a cream and rose damask rug for the floor beneath the settee, setting off the details perfectly. The effect is exactly as we envisioned: classic yet modern, and delightfully sweet. Here some of our promotional portraits from the set:

Precious little Valentine!

Precious little Valentine!

Millie Valentine Promo 20 1.jpg
Lanie Valentine Promo 20 1.jpg
Hadley Valentine Promo 20 2.jpg
Meredith Abernathy